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Improving Safety at
Blue Ridge Road

Blue Ridge Road.jpg

Shelley has taken action to permanently address ongoing community safety concerns at the north end of Blue Ridge Road caused by obstructed sight lines. After consulting with local residents and Transportation Services staff, Shelley moved a motion at the February meeting of North York Community Council to permanently close the Blue Ridge Road cul-de-sac to vehicular traffic. In addition to the safety concerns reported by our community, staff agreed that vehicular traffic should be prohibited from entering the cul-de-sac to address issues related to erosion and slope stability at the west portion of the cul-de-sac.

The northerly portion of Blue Ridge Road is now designated as a pedestrian way, which means that the cul-de-sac will be closed to vehicular traffic with the exception of bicycles and emergency service vehicles.

Currently, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) are undertaking remedial work in the stream valley corridor behind Clarinda Drive. The purpose of this work is to protect private properties and municipal sewer infrastructure from valley slope instability related to erosion hazards within the ravine. TRCA vehicles are using the Blue Ridge Road cul-de-sac as a staging area, which has prevented general vehicles from parking in the area.

The TRCA remedial work is tentatively scheduled to be completed by Summer 2024, at which point Transportation Services staff will install physical infrastructure to support and facilitate the closure.

If you have any questions, please contact Joshua Bowman, Director, Policy and Stakeholder Relations, at

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